Ethos Eye Drops for Conjunctivitis/Infections – Reviews and Testimonials

Frank, Vancouver

There is no missing red eyes. When my eye doctor said it was conjunctivitis, I looked up its cause and possible treatments. I chose Ethos to help me and its drops are a permanent feature of my bathroom cabinet. Now when I look in the bathroom mirror, the red has gone.

Theresa, Cape Town, SA

Hay fever is something that I have suffered from for years. Last year, it was worse than ever so I talked to my doctor who thought it might be more than that. Eventually, conjunctivitis was diagnosed so I bought Ethos Eye Drops to help soothe the irritation. It worked even though it is still “hay fever season”. Tis h you – Bless you x

George, Swindon

I have been a regular sufferer of Conjunctivitis on and off for years. However, since I have been using Ethos Eye Drops, it seems as though I have conquered this irritating condition.

Bill, Lanark

When your eyes get itchy, there is no peace. I work in a fairly dirty environment so I have regularly found dust and grit in the air. When my eye doctor suggested that eye drops was a safe and simple way to keep my eyes clean, I decided to give them a try. My choice was Ethos and I would recommend the company to everyone.

Sarah Harris, USA

These drops keep your eyes clean to prevent problems emerging specially the redness that irritates my eyes from pollen and dust.

Stuart Pestell, Spain

I am always getting mild eye infections due to my diabetes as I am a vegan, I was looking for eye drops and the bottles they come with that are suitable for my health and lifestyle choice. Lucky, I found you!!! and BTW great customer service with quick postage every time I order

Nadia Mclaren, Perth Scotland

I noticed a big improvement in my eyes within 2 days they reduced the soreness and redness. I am always prone to getting mild eye infections in the summer with all the dust and pollen in the air. I really did not mind you asking me to give a review – it’s a pleasure thank you

Justine Law, Tenby Wales

Your Heavenly eye drops are good and I have recommended them to my friends The drops are amazing have greatly reduced the redness so I don’t always looked stoned lol.

Rangit Singh, Bradford UK

I’m really pleased and encouraged with your Eye Drops for Conjunctivitis. Getting infections for me are common as I work in a school with little ones really bothering me. It seems to be helping quite a bit, this year I have only had two mild cases as I have been using your drops. Thank you for the free postage I know postage is not cheap any more.

Aiden Price, Seattle USA

I’ve only been using the eye drops for about a month and a half and I can see better and my eyes don’t water as much and the horrible gunk that builds up has greatly reduced when I catch Conjuntivis I didn’t expect to see results this fast from 2 boxes.

Camille Beaumont, Adelaide

Thank you for your email asking if I would give a review on your Heavenly eye drops, I wanted you to know that the improvement is amazing. I had gotten to the point where I could no longer cope due with the itchiness and pain, my doctor subscribes some eye drops but the prescription price was more than these eye drops used over a period of a month. Your drops work just as good and they are natural and organic