Improve Your Dogs Cataracts with Eye Drops

A dog develops a cataract when the lens of the eye clouds, which is caused by changes in the water balance in the lens or changes to the proteins within the lens. When the lens becomes cloudy, unfortunately light cannot reach the retina, which then causes blindness. A mature cataract looks like a white disk behind your dog's iris. Cataracts left untreated can cause deep inflammation in the eye. These conditions can be very painful and stressful for dogs. Cataracts in their early stages have few symptoms. One of the more common signs is a change in the appearance of the eye. A healthy eye has a clear pupil, but an eye that has cataracts will have a film over the pupil, giving it a cloudy, greyish blue texture. If in doubt, you should visit the vet.

Just like humans, dogs’ eyesight deteriorates with age, and cataracts are more common. When cataracts are left untreated, they can become blind. The cataract completely blocks light from entering the eye through the lens.

Cataracts can be a result of diabetes, and can be more common in some breeds of dogs. Diabetic dogs have a 75% chance of developing cataracts. They can also be a result of trauma and nutritional deficiencies. Whatever the cause, your dog`s health is top of a list of priorities.

A treatment to reverse and improve the problem are Ethos Eye Drops, but that is not to say the only alternative is an immediate operation to remove the lens. Surgery is both complex and expensive. It is not the everyday procedure done for humans, and even for humans there can be better solutions to the problem. You may have an insurance policy for your dog but often that will not include cataracts so you will face the whole cost of any procedure.

After surgery inflammation of the eyes is common, and it is not possible to exactly replicate the original lens. In some cases, glaucoma, scar tissue or lens detachment reduce the vision your dog had previously. There is no way back if that happens, short of perhaps another expensive procedure.

The important thing is that you get your pet a regular health check and that can identify any problems at a very early stage. In the case of cataracts, which are more common in older dogs, surgery is riskier in older dogs so you should consider the forms of treatment that will be safer, and certainly far less expensive. Take for example the success of Ethos Bright Eyes drops for Pets have had an impressive success rate in dealing with eye problems in pets.

Think of the benefits, not least the fact that they are stress-free. Surgery is a worrying time for humans and their pets, and it can be costly as well. Natural products have proved to be successful as well as having general health benefits for dogs, and other pets. They can shrink cataracts that are in their early stage and over a period of weeks can improve your dog’s vision and quality of life.